The Ministry

Based in Port Huron, Michigan, Healing Hearts Home is a ministry devoted to sharing the unconditional love of Christ in order to help women of all ages find healing from trauma and abuse.

Founded by Dr. Christina Gallina-Flood, the ministry offers a variety of recovery resources designed to facilitate deep healing and lasting freedom. Programs include S.H.O.U.T. recovery groups, individual and couples counseling, and classes on unhealthy boundaries and codependency. 

S.H.O.U.T. recovery groups offer women and teen girls a safe place to begin their healing journey after experiencing sexual abuse and trauma. Groups meet weekly for six months to complete a comprehensive book study, guided discussions and group prayer. During the program, participants not only work to heal from abuse, they discover self-love, celebrate birthdays and holidays together, enjoy outings in the community and a weekend retreat following graduation. They build lasting relationships with other like-minded women as they journey towards healing together.

Healing Hearts Home has plans to open a long-term transitional home in Port Huron, Michigan where women can recover from abuse, addiction, and related trauma. The home will focus on complete rehabilitation, with holistic programs designed to restore self-worth, build character, and teach practical life skills, such as cooking, budgeting and education.

The Home

Healing Hearts Home has plans to open a long-term transitional home in Port Huron, Michigan where women can recover from abuse, addiction, and related trauma. 

On average, shelters in Port Huron limit stays at two to four weeks, and that is simply not enough to achieve lasting rehabilitation. Over and over, we have witnessed young women leaving these shelters and returning to the very abusive situations from which they removed themselves, only to helplessly continue the cycle of abuse.

We are convinced that the long-term support provided through Healing Hearts Home will be life changing for the women it serves. It is our goal to empower victimized women, and the children in their care, to achieve complete rehabilitation. Our holistic approach is designed to restore self-respect, build character, and teach practical life skills such as cooking, education, and budgeting.

In over twenty years of ministering to women and leading recovery groups, our director, Dr. Christina Gallina-Flood, has witnessed the painful journey of many women struggling to find the long-term housing and help they need. Women in the Port Huron area are hurting from the pain of abuse—everything from physical or sexual, to mental or emotional, or even substance-related abuse. Many of them suffer silently because they see no real way out, no lasting solution. Healing Hearts Home plans to change that.

We have yet to purchase or secure a piece of property where we can build. If you know of land for sale or that could be donated, we would love to hear from you. Prayers for this continued effort are greatly appreciated.

The Director

Today, Dr. Christina Gallina-Flood is a powerful speaker and ministry leader, but it was her own painful and personal journey from sexual abuse and addiction that brought her to this place.

When her life was in crisis over twenty years ago, Christina began a relentless search for truth and healing. As she began to experience freedom from the pain of the past, she was filled with a desire to help others do the same.

She has since partnered with pastors, churches, and community outreach programs to bring the message of deliverance to others. As she mentored young women, counseled many in prayer, and led support groups—such as Celebrate Recovery and her own S.H.O.U.T study—Christina began to see amazing results for those seeking healing. After years of committing herself to continued education and training, she earned her doctoral degree in pastoral counseling, equipping herself to grow her ministry even further.

With contagious energy and inspiring enthusiasm, Christina continues to share the story of how the Lord set her free from addictions, hurts, and the wounds left by sexual abuse. It is her deepest desire to help hurting people move towards hope and healing in Christ.

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